Arya Animal Acupuncture - Specialty Integrative Veterinary Medicine

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A Holistic Guide to Crystal Healing for Dogs and Cats

Connect with your pet through the energy of healing crystals

Do you consider your cat or dog a member of the family? Do you go the extra mile to ensure their health and happiness? More and more pet parents are exploring holistic and integrative techniques alongside Western medicine. Crystals are an easy way to tap into healing energies and deepen your bond with your pet. Discover how crystals can promote harmony in your pet's mind, body and spirit.

How Crystal Healing Works

Crystals and gemstones emit subtle vibrations based on their composition. Practitioners believe these vibrations interact with your pet's energy field to remove blocks, restore balance and encourage optimal health. Crystals can be used alone or combined with Reiki, acupuncture and other therapies.

Benefits may include:

  • Reduced anxiety and stress

  • Relief from aches and pains

  • Improved sleep

  • Protection from negative energy

  • Increased confidence and learning ability

Crystals should complement veterinary treatment, not replace it. Work closely with Dr. Bhatt when using alternative techniques.

Selecting Stones

With thousands of crystal varieties, how do you choose? Consider your pet's needs:

  • High-strung or nervous pets: Calming stones like amethyst, moonstone or lepidolite.

  • Overexcited, energetic pets: Grounding stones like hematite, smoky quartz or black tourmaline.

  • Aging pets with joint issues: Anti-inflammatory stones like turquoise, amber or aventurine.

  • Sick pets: Immune-boosting stones like carnelian, citrine or sunstone.


7 Ways to Use Healing Crystals

Integrate crystals into your pet's routine for regular energetic cleansing and support. Here are some ideas:

1. Collar Charms

Turn crystals into charms by wiring wrapping or stringing beads. Attach several crystals or crystal clusters to your pet's collar. Choose appropriate stones for their needs. The crystals will bump against your pet throughout the day releasing their vibrations.

2. Pet Beds

Place small crystals, such as tumbled stones, under cushions or sewn into the lining of beds. The contact when lying down will create a soothing effect. This is especially helpful for anxious or elderly pets.

3. Massage

Gently massage your pet while holding a crystal. The stone channels energy through your hands into your pet. Use broad crystals with smooth polished surfaces.

4. Traveling Companions

Ease travel stress by adding a few comforting crystals to carriers or cages. Tape larger crystals securely or use non-toxic crystal wrap to prevent chewing.

5. Energy Cleansing

Regularly cleanse your home with crystals. Create a clearing spray with water, essential oils and crystals like black tourmaline or selenite. Mist around your pet's sleeping area or wipe paws returning from outside.

6. Grooming Elixirs

Add a few drops of crystal elixir to the rinse water after bathing. Try rose quartz for unconditional love or blue lace agate to calm. Your touch transfers the subtle vibrations.

Top Crystals To Start With

If you have scrolled through social media at all in the recent years, there is a good chance that you have heard of using crystals for healing or encouraging - hopefully positive - changes in your life. Now, not all people are into this sort of thing and that’s okay! Here are our Top 4 crystals - maybe you will discover something that speaks to you.

Amethyst - a great starter.

Amethyst is a vitreous, purple-colored variety of Quartz and is commonly found throughout the world. The chemical formula of a pure amethyst is SiO2 aka. silicon dioxide and it does not typically have any reaction to UV exposure (although it can fade with lots of exposure to the sun). This crystal is very common amongst collectors not just become it is easy to harvest (and therefore fairly inexpensive) but also because it is know as the “all healer”. It’s a great starter crystal for encouraging all sorts of healing. It can be purchased in large clusters or towers, small but substantial pieces, little chips, or even smooth tumbles.

Black Tourmaline - your protector.

Black tourmaline is also known as a Schorl crystal. It can be very brittle so should be handled carefully. Thankfully it is not a very expensive crystal should something happen to it. This is a great crystal for new crystal aficionados. It relieves negativity, supports emotional stability and is very strongly protective. The strong protection capacity of black tourmaline is what makes it a very common purchase.

Abalone Shell - the bringer of tranquility.

The abalone shell is, obviously, not a crystal but is a common items for crystal collectors. It is found in the USA, New Zealand, South Africa and Australia. It is believed to bring tranquility and soothe the nervous system. It can help individuals deal with difficult emotions so it is particularly beneficial for individuals whom have experienced loss (our pets feel it too), stressful times or even major life transitions.

Aura Quartz - healing emotional wounds.

The Aura quartz is a gorgeous rainbow-colored crystal that amplifies energies, heals the aura and helps heal emotional wounds but encouraging release of negativity from one’s life. For the human counterparts, it improves feelings of self worth. You are worthy of all the good things in your life and the aura quartz helps you remember that! The Aura quartz, when formed naturally, is a quartz crystal that has bonded with precious metals.

Crystals for Common Pet Problems

Here are some of the best crystals to help address specific issues your pet may face:

Anxiety and Stress

  • Amethyst - natural tranquilizer and stress reliever

  • Lepidolite - calms obsessive behaviors

  • Moonstone - comforts highly sensitive pets

Joint Pain and Arthritis

  • Turquoise - anti-inflammatory for pain relief

  • Amber - reduces joint swelling

  • Aventurine - eases stiff, immobile joints

Skin Allergies and Fur Issues

  • Amethyst - helps heal skin conditions and rashes

  • Tourmalated Quartz - aids tissue regeneration

  • Fluorite - cleanses and detoxifies skin

Training and Behavior

  • Quartz - boosts receptiveness to commands

  • Carnelian - motivates shy pets

  • Jasper - relaxes overexcited pets

Traveling and Change

  • Amethyst - prevents motion sickness

  • Rose Quartz - comfort and unconditional love

  • Black Tourmaline - protection from stressful energies


Tips for Safe Use

Crystals offer gentle healing with minimal risks. However, proper handling is important when using around pets:

  • Supervise your pet fully when first introducing crystals. Monitor for any signs of chewing, licking or consuming.

  • Avoid scattering loose crystals and keep out of reach. Choose smooth polished stones over raw crystals with jagged edges.

  • Prevent choking hazards by securely wiring or wrapping any crystals on collars. Check for damage regularly.

  • Research crystal toxicity. While most are pet safe, avoid poisonous stones like malachite, stibnite and cinnabar.

  • Introduce crystals gradually to monitor reactions. Discontinue use if any irritation, digestive upset or hyperactivity develops.

Ready to Tap into Crystal Healing?

Crystals provide an easy, affordable way to expand your pet's care routine. Their subtle vibrations interact with your pet's energy field to encourage wellness. Through regular use, crystals promote inner harmony, healing and emotional bonds.

Remember to:

  • Select crystals based on your pet's needs and your own intuition.

  • Use multiple methods to harness the healing properties.

  • Monitor your pet's reactions closely.

  • Practice common sense safety precautions.


With a little guidance, you can leverage the power of crystals to support your pet's optimal health - mind, body and spirit!